So here's another piece of work that I've done regarding the HARRY POTTER books. I've taken the story of the the THREE BROTHERS from book 7 "The Deathly Hallows" and worked to make them into a children's book. This is the cover for said book in early drawing form.
We see the three brothers each with their gift from Death himself. The eldest gets the Elder Wand, which is undefeatable. The middle brother gets the resurrection stone, which allows him to raise a specter-like ghost. The youngest brother has a cloak of invisibility that even Death himself cannot see through. In the distance, on the bridge that the brothers created with their magic, we see Death hungrily awaiting his chance. You'll have to read the whole story to understand it, but I really do love this tale.
And yes, the image is shoty again... I'll get my scanner to work! I promise! Really!