So I was reading an unfortunate article about how the Tennessee Senate wants to pass a bill forbidding teachers from discussing any topic regarding homosexuality, to grades K to 6. In short, as far as the Tennessee Senate is concerned, the idea of anything remotely non-heterosexual doesn't exist until 7th grade.
This just makes me really sad.
Despite what some people think, homosexuals do exist in Tennessee. Furthermore, many of them are raising children and having families and doing a damn good job at it too. So how fair is it to basically tell a child that talking about the two most important adults in their lives is an inappropriate subject in school just because they're the same gender?
Equality and love are things we all want our children to have, isn't it? So why do people keep trying take those rights away from other people, who may include their own children?
Believe in Love.
Believe in Equality.