Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Twitter is up.
My twitter is on the site of here for those who want to check it out.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tumblr is up
To visit it go to:
So I know it's been a while since I posted something on the old blog. Things have been kinda crazy lately. I've been working at my internship job at KSDG of course, which has been going fantastic! Best job ever, really. I've been doing a lot of graphic design work for them, but alas, I can't post any of it yet, so, sorry, but you can't see any of it yet. Eventually, but not yet.
Meanwhile I've also started working at Cheesecake Factory to help pay the bills. It's not the most ideal job for a young artist, but hey, I'll take whatever I can get to make sure that I can't surviving in SF.
And as I hope most people are aware, LOST IN CONFUSION continues. We had a small hiatus when I started my job at CF because of training and pulling double shifts between there and KSDG, but both seem to be back on track and back to normal.
I'll hopefully be able to post more of my work when I can. In the meanwhile, here are a few comics that have already gone up over at LiC.

Friday, October 7, 2011
KSDG Photo-Shoot Day
Well, this last week or so, I've also been working as a photographer for the company, taking photos for the website. While this aspect still isn't up, there some more fun shots currently on the company's blog: KSDG Blog.
Take a look!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
New Job & Lost in Confusion hits 20 Comics
I’ve recently gotten hired as a Graphic Design Intern for a new Design Company in San Francisco. With that in mind, I’ve moved back out to the West Coast! I’m super excited to have this new job, and I’m looking forward to seeing where it might lead me.
In the meanwhile I'd also like to let everyone know that my webcomic "LOST IN CONFUSION" hit twenty comics! I know this isn't a huge deal, but I'm still rather proud of myself and what I've got so far.
Now with the new job, it's probably going to be requiring a lot of time and work on my part, but at least for the time being, the comic is going to retain the same number of updates per week. If it gets too busy, I might have to scale back to twice a week, but for now that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Whole Foods Mailers Mock-ups
Monday, August 15, 2011
Lost in Confusion 2.0 is Go!
But now that I've finished school, this seems like the best time to start it up again.
The basic premise of the story is a quasi-autobiographical story, about a twenty-something named Luc and his group of friends (and a gun carrying penguin) and their various misadventures of work, school, dating, and commenting on the world itself.
To visit the site go to
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Lost in Confusion Reboot Sneak-Peak
So, as mentioned in a previous post, I've been working on rebooting my old web-comic "Lost in Confusion". I've been playing around with the art-style the character designs and of course whether or not to do color or black and white. The big thing I've been working on is simplifying the style. I want the comic to look more "Toon" than "Comic Book" in style. So that means less realistic anatomy, exaggerated features, and so on. My plan to be able to knock out these comics at least three times a week.
The first strip of the comic is complete, and now I'm doing the next few pages. I'd post the comic up, but I'd like to get a few more ready ahead of time. Also, I'm working on a website to set up as well.
But since I'm super-nice, I'm give you folks a sneak-peak of the comics.
Monday, July 25, 2011
New Graphic Design Works
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Lost in Confusion Reboot?

So a few years ago I did my own webcomic called "Lost in Confusion". It was a semi-auto biographical comic, which ran for a couple of years. Unfortunately as a result of the stress and work of grad school, I retired the comic far earlier than I wanted.
Now that I'm out of school, I thought I'd maybe try my hand at rebooting the series. Since so much time has passed, I don't think picking up where the original story would work. I'd rather re-introduce the characters for new fans... also I'm rather embarrassed by my old art work from 4 years ago. :P
I'm still working on overall character designs, but I thought I'd post up some concept sketches I've done for the primary cast. Changes are expected to happen.
P.S.: And because I expect you'd like to laugh at me: He is a couple of those old comics.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Pages from Sketch Book
Monday, June 6, 2011
The Cry of Coyote (New Alternate Cover) - Final Work
Sunday, June 5, 2011
The Cry of Coyote (New Alternate Cover) - In Progress

Okay, so I finally got to go to Kinkos to scan in the new cover. With some tweeking, this is a better idea about what its going to look like later on. The background characters are lightened to allow the main character to stand out, and I worked on the rock a bit more. I'm already working on the color work, but I thought I'd put this up as an inidcator. I'm also working on some other comic pages for some other projects and the script for chapter 2.
Busy, busy, busy...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
CRY OF COYOTE (New Alternate Cover)
So one of the many projects that I'm working on is an updated cover for my graphic novel "CRY OF COYOTE". As many of you remember, the original cover was a And also not as dynamic. So I've been working on this alternate version for when I can afford to do an offical printing of the comic for conventions.
Sorry the quality of the picture isn't at its best. I'll try and get a good scan up soon.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Penguins are Awesome.
Equality Poster

This just makes me really sad.
Despite what some people think, homosexuals do exist in Tennessee. Furthermore, many of them are raising children and having families and doing a damn good job at it too. So how fair is it to basically tell a child that talking about the two most important adults in their lives is an inappropriate subject in school just because they're the same gender?
Equality and love are things we all want our children to have, isn't it? So why do people keep trying take those rights away from other people, who may include their own children?
Believe in Love.
Believe in Equality.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Animal Drawings
T.U.F.F. Puppy Storyboards Submissions
I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the show "T.U.F.F. Puppy". Its a Nickelodeon show from the same people responsible for "The Fairly Odd Parents" and "Danny Phantom". I didn't now anything about the show until recently myself, but it's actually rather fun.
Anyway, the following storyboards are for that show.

I do not own the property of T.U.F.F. Puppy. Dudley Puppy and Kitty Katswell both belong to the Nickelodeon Animation Studios.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Seek then Destroyed Storyboards
rking hard on expanding the storyboard part of my portfolio. This resulted in two straight days of no sleep, so you KNOW I was motivated and inspired. Or insane. I haven't decided yet. :P
Either way though, this is one set of storyboards that I've completed. It was an small idea slightly based off the cat of my former roommate back in California. While the cats never did something exactly like this... I'm pretty sure they wanted to.
Expect to see another set of storyboards tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Berserker Bunny Character Concept
Now normally, a character like this is would be a bit more disturbing coming from me. But since the storyboards I was working on was aimed more at children... well, he's a bit less psycho.

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Portrait and News
Meanwhile, I also decided to take a bit of time to do a self-portait for myself. And no, I'm not being vain. I just kinda decided to do something different that I haven't done in a long time. Also, it allows for me to have a new image for my Facebook. :P